i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Thanks to my girl Chelsea, i am planting potatos this year! FOUR kiNDS! whaaaat! haha, Russets, Fingerlings, Yukon Gold and Red Lasoda. learned so much about potatoes, i did. chopped them so there were 2-4 eyes on each piece. put them in egg cartons in the garage, where it was cool, covered them with crumpled news paper so it was dark and the air would circulate and let them cure.(the cut pieces get hard so they dont rot in the ground) thanks to my friend Chelsea for all of this knowlege! so fun.

to make raised beds, we chopped a plastic trashcan, and a plastic Bin in half. I shoveled the dirt for one of the bins in 20 minutes, last week, and Ry shoveled 3 bins, in about oh, 5-10 minutes. JEEZ! ;) he tried to make me feel better by saying that he's got weight behind him though, so that makes shoveling easier for him.that was nice. After most of the dirt was in, from the compost.. we put in some potting soil and mixed it in the dirt. Our compost is full of worms, thats a good sign.

My sister sent me some Green Beans and Acorn squash also! exciting stuff!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I commented on this... You rock! Love the recycled beds!
