whaaaat TWO posts in ONE week!? this camera is makin be a picture takin fool, so what better place to post them? First lets talk about Case and Bath time. he. LOVES. Bathtime. i wrapped him in a towl and bring him out to the living room. it was so funny to me that he sat there sooo good. usually he's getting the towl off of him asap and enjoying being naked. i grabbed the camera stat! USually we have to get some clothes on him pretty quick because well.. you'll see.
this wasn't like him at all, so serious, stayed all snug in the towell. like he was thinking.
he finds his Gtube.

right here is when i tell him "Case.... dont play with that.."

i love how he gets shocked and then...

..keeps messing with it without looking at it.. like i cant see that. hahahahaha!!:)

ohhh silly boy. so i go up to him, move his hand. and tell him "No. that will hurt your tummy"

Case doesn't like to be told no...

hahah :) well at least he left it alone after that :) being mad didnt last long.

wait a minute... now that i think about it, maybe he was messing with it before the towel came off of him... heeyyy you sneaky little thing!! i dont think he was.. but.. maybee...
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