i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

cloth diaper fun

hahaahaha ok. Know ahead of time, i am Not serious about this wrap job ahah!! Case pees So much, im talkin Two to three wet diapers in Rylans lunch break which is a HALF hour!
now, that doesn't happen all the time, but it did one day and wow. thats just crazy!
My mom brought us some old time cloth diapers, but no rubber pants (weird how they didn't sell them where she got the cloth diapers) and at first i was using them for burp rags.. and they worked great.
well since Case decided to let it flow freely lately- im using those during the day when he's just kickin it.

Now this wasn't a very good wrap job, but whatever. it works. :) since there is nothing stopping it from soaking out onto the blanket, i just stick a folded cloth diaper under his booty.
he doesn't mind these..and doesn't get at INSTANTLY mad when he's damp.
i love how he looks so sad in this pic. goes great with the HUgely cloth diapering. Trust me. He was happily kicking,talking and eating his hands Right before this. for some reason he get serious-mode when the camera is in front of him. hah :)

the cloth diaper was taken yesterday, and heres a pic of my head Today. I got this shirt at a Consignment store. it was brand spanken new, still had the tags on it. originally 25 bucks and I got it for 10! Score!

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