i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Friday, October 15, 2010

new house projects!

There are a couple new projects happening at the Case De Bourdeau, but im only posting the completed one.. its not a hUGe one, like change the entire look of the house or anything, but it really makes a difference.

When you come out of our front door, you automatically wanted to walk straight. a few of our friends and family members have almost wanted to step off that drop, esspecially if we're talking, and they're not really paying attention. i've found myself saying.."no! go that way" plenty of times. i dont want my peeps falling Off of that!

The stairs are in the middle arch. so its no bueno if you start walking straight out the door.

So, this is what we.. err RY did. i think it looks fantastic. :)
aawwhhhh so much safer and.. better looking.

if you look past that far chair.. we were torn about putting a railing on that side.. there are Stairs there.. and it iS nice to be able to access the side yard without going down and around. i guess we'll live with it for a while and then decide if we'd like it better With a railing. but for now we're thinking some potted tall tree/plant thingys next to the chair and down the couple steps will give it a little "closed in'' feeling without Actually being inaccessable to that sid of the yard.

heres a view coming straight out the door. see what i mean about how a person could have fallen right off!?

oohh the next project is exciting! its gonna have to happen in Stages, but its Very much needed andwill make a HUge difference.
we have big plans people. a clue: no its not on the House itself :( but we're getting to that too, just not yet).. what we will be re-building is actually in one of the pics above. its brown.

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