i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

rylans scraggly hat.

one of my favorite picture of Rylan. Well...there Are a million favorite pictures of Rylan. he's just so photogenic. Ive probably already posted this pic. but whatever...im posting it again. we were up our friends Ranch. Guitar playing, beer drinking, man-made-lake-hanging, good times.

i love his style...its like- 'hey im thirsty...im just gonna drink out of this Gallon Jug. who needs cups?' and his hat. just like Rylan, it gets better with age.
i almost messed that hat up the other day. i washed it. its been washed before, but this time it looked all mis shaped and scraggly. oops! It was sad to think of him getting a NEW one. i like the worn look. like cowboy boots, or wallets..some things are just better with that lived-in look.

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