anyway, its almost february. Almost time for our (cases')3rd RSV shot.
Case has been pretty healthy so far...
Teeth: two bottom ones. second popped up on Christmas! guess he got his two front(bottom) teeth for christmas. Good! cause thats all he wanted ;)
Crankiness: ranked up to a 8 when he's annoyed with the pain from workin on the next teeth.
(no sign of em yet)
He's a Very Very happy little guy, laughs, plays peek-aboo, Claps, talks talks talks, loves to laugh, and im pretty sure he's starting to try dancing. hah
feeds are now at 120mls every 3 hours during the day and then for 10 hours over night he is on the pump at 45 mls per hour. this = 9 or 10 feeds a day, compared to 6 or 7. Has helped a lot! gained about a pound in 2.5 weeks apposed to his Maybe a pound in a month.
it definately shows. look
My chubby bunny! hard to believe he will be 8 months old in 8 days.. time really does fly.
i guess that pic doesn't show off his new found chubbiness, we were all bundled up yesterday because we went up to the ranch..
we visited with grandma Karm, ate some lunch, (Case mainly hung out in the back of the suburban chillin like that out of the cooollld wind. drove around, saw some wild turkeys...and a bobcat. didnt get a pic of the bobcat..
the turkeys were in the corral just hangin out... later we saw them get in a line and head out.. and then Later, saw them again. cool. they were BIG! Karm is Rylans Step-Grandma.. she just Loved Case!
not a very good pic, but looking back at the turkey flat... this is gonna be the fam's main hangout.. outdoor kitchen, bathrooms, showers, camp spots, awsome play area for the kids.. that yellow thing back there, just right of center, is a spiral slide that was in our backyard when we bought the house.. Uncle Mark (rys moms sisters husband) re-used it for up here.. man, i cant wait till its done. might just move up there permanently ;)
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