nothing too big, like a new fence or anything, but yesterday, Ry and i cleaned the house, Ry organized the garage, and i decided i'd finally get to painting this random shelf i got for the bathroom. 10 bucks at a cool store out of town thats half consignment, half.. um..just cool old stuff. i got a 1920's chair there too that im gonna stain and re-upholster.. .so, i didn't get a Totally 'before' pic. i remembered after i painted the swirly designs brown. i just spray painted it. (before it was ALL yellow) my mom said my grandma had the same one. :)

i kinda liked
yellow if i was gonna leave it outside in a cool, covered patio area, or if i had a funky bathroom. but as of right now, our bathroom is hideus and instead of make it even worse, i thought i'd work with it.
so i spray painted the back brown and the swirly designs. then i taped those off.. and spray painted the rest a tan color. easy peasey lemon squeazy!

and after: the lighting is horrible, but i didnt get the pic until right now as i wrote this. its 7:30 pm. and the lighting in the bathroom made it look orangy, so i tried the flash.. you get the point.

Yay! im happy with it. dont know exactly what else im gonna put on it, but as of right now thats what i got ! yay!
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