My dad does photography as a hobby and sometimes people hire him..when he built his house he put in a dark room off the garage, so thats awsome. my sister Elaine is a professional and my sis. Tippe has an awsome camera, and the talent to be a pro, i think, too. ive got a good camera now,its a small point and shoot and i got it just before our honeymoon November 2008. (about 5 months after our wedding.)
before that another point and shoot. and another and another. they are nicebut now, i want a big one. the kind you gotta hold with two hands while taking a pic, the kind you gotta zoom with your left hand on the lense.. the kind with all these sweet functions.. ok, im drooling on the keyboard. ha! no, but lets be honest. its gonna happen. one day. and you better watch out. the pictures comin out of this girl are gonna be unstoppable.
so anyway, my friend came over and took some pics of my baby boy... and USUALLy i hate pics of me, ill avoid getting in the cameras view and ry says ill 'freak out' and make these random faces if i know im getting my pic taken. he's always telling me. 'act natural....just make a normal face.' haha. thanks.
anyway. Melody got one of me, when i didnt know, i was laughing at Lisa. and Case was looking at the camera. well, he just looks so cute.. :)

This is such a sweet pic!