Tomorrow is a doctor appointment for Case. its getting close to the time when they will be deciding weather or not to put in a G Tube.
Right now, Case has an NG tube, it goes down into his stomach through his nose. Ry and i can put that in ourselves.
with this G Tube he'd have to have surgery. so sad. i hate it when they have to 'find a vein' to put an IV in... its always hard, and he's just crying so much and i hate to watch, but i like to be there after to hold him.. now, i dont know IF i'll be able to even be around for that if he has to get the surgery, but poor little guy, i just hate it.
at our last appointment he weighed 11.5 and was 24 inches long.
the nutritionist told me that babies need to gain 15-30 grams a day. and that equals to about a pound a week. so im hoping to see 13.5. he does seem more 'plump', but i dont know if he's gained that much.
weight gain is such a hard thing for case because he uses so much energy just by breathing. since his lung capacity isn't great, he breathes faster, so its like he is running a marathon.
i have to pump breast milk every three hours, and then i mix in 1 tspoon of formula for every 40mls. this is to make it more Caloric. have more calories.
IF he ate all his food by mouth, then of course they wouldn't consider doing the GTube. but since that isn't happening, it seems that is most likely going to happen....
a GTube is where there is just a tube going straight into his stomach from the outside of his stomach.... it requires surgery where they go down into his mouth and then poke out from inside. so there wont be a tube down his nose anymore.
Im getting ahead of myself.. they havn't made a date for it yet, they havn't said for sure, but i know its comin up.
lets hope for a heavy baby tomorrow. and healthy in all the other aspects too.
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