i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Case through the weeks.

two hours old

one week old

two weeks old

three weeks old

four weeks old

five weeks old

six weeks old

seven weeks old

seven and a half weeks old

eight weeks old

nine weeks old

nine weeks four days. finally get to come home from UCSF!!

ten weeks old

ten weeks old

almost eleven weeks old

eleven weeks old

twelve weeks old

thirteen weeks old (two months)

fourteen weeks old

fifteen weeks old

sixteen weeks old
seventeen weeks old

eighteen weeks old

nineteen weeks old

twenty weeks old

amazing how far he has come, im so glad he is here with us and that he's a strong little guy. and soo handsome too.

1 comment:

  1. awwwwhh!! i love all of these! he really has come a long way. what a champ! we love him so much. we love you all. loves these posts!! SO GREAT!!! :-D
