As far back as Rylan can remember, Rys Moms side of the family has been getting the horned toads for the Races, a group of whoever wants to go, drive around the canyon and when one is spotted, jump out and get the horned toads. pretty cool that our family is the one that provides the toads. ;)

this was on Monday. the last day of the Derby.. we took Case to see his first Horned Toad Race... and, his first horned toad.

he didnt think much about the little guy..stared at him for a while..and that was about it...
my camera was on the wrong setting and i was in a hurry so its not the best picture..bummer, but at least i got some :)

Above is Case and his cousin Paige. my sisters daughter. so cute. and below is Case and Jaelyn (rys cousins daughter).

My mom and Dad with Case. Gram and Papa.
we saw them there with my niece and nephew,Ry and I went on the tilt-a-whirl with Evan and Paige and they hung with Case:)

Then Paigey (in the light blue shirt, on the end) went on THis and had a blast!
this was all on the last day. didn't get anyother pictures of the whole weekend! but then we said Goodbye to Luke, and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Coe (rys bro) me,Case, Ry, Luke(Ry&Coes Cousin)

love these four :)
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