i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Case. In S.F. 5.5.11

So our trip to San Francisco on 5/5/11 went really really well.
His Gortex patch is Still in tact, and his surgeon said that 50% of babies' patches
have torn already.
Case is getting stronger so when we have to hold him down for xrays its a little tougher.. Rylan got to go with us this time. The first trip back my parents took Case and i and then next time after that Rys mom took us. It was nice to have Ry see what appointments are like.. he's never been to one before.
his Left lung (that was 1/3 of the size at birth) is growing nicely..
He is Very smart, really interested in books, figures things out quickly.. He was given a Bailey, Baley..(spelling??) test and did Fantastic! the lady was really impressed with him. I'd explain what that is,but its really hard to explain..hah :)
They are going to change him to Pediasure formula which is a toddler formula, instead of his infant formula. Still has high calories, to help him put weight on.
He is 29 inches long and 17.2 pounds. Tall and Skinny.. still. Eating is an everyday struggle for both him and Me..very time consuming and frustrating. He is probably frustrated as well.."ma, why dont you just put the milk in the TUBE! i dont want to eat!" hopefully we get some OT therapy to help with his eating and this can be a thing of the past sooner rather then later. He does eat about half of his bottle.. and sometimes when we give him a half hour to an hour break, he will finish his bottle..and as far as solids go.. some days he does GREAT and other days he's not interested.. he has liked yogurt, green beans, avacado...and ONCE he ate a WHOLE jar of Chicken and veggies. Uh-Mazing! i remember running out to RYlan in the back yard and said, all casual..'look how much he ate' and showed him the jar.. ry couldn't believe it.. we really thought it had it.. we got too excited too early. But hey! its a step!
Everyone asks when his GTube will be out. Well, when he starts eating.
He is Happy, Smart, CUrious, VOCal, social.. he is doing so well. we have so much to be thankful for.:D
Oh yeah, he has FouR teeth on top.
Two on the bottom. and the past couple days got the next bottom on the left.
He is Crawling like a mad man.. (ry and him have races all over the living room)
pulling himself to stand..
and loves to walk when you hold his hands.
he also likes to cruise along the couch..tables..and change from one chair to another while standing.
sometimes it sounds like he says "doggie" or "gie" they're his fav. sounds right now.
before we know it he will be runnin with his big cousins. FUn!

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