Nope, not Disneyland. ;) one of our fav. spots (im sure ive mentioned More than once) is the Ranch. you're just 20 minutes from town, but you feel Hours and Hours away
Luke was leaving the next morning, so we decided to go for a drive, shoot some guns, and have a few beers. left Case with Gram.
drove up in Rys truck, got into the convertible Toyota complete with a bus seat (literally) in the back and headed out. (it is THE place where we collect the horned toads for the races every Derby,.. Also, it is our school Mascot.- another fun fact is my dad knew the guy that drew the ORIGINAL horned toad mascot for the high school)

Beautiful isn't it!

Ry Hit the bottle!

I hit the bottle too! (in the background you can sort of see Coalinga. not real well in this pic, but its there )

The hill in the pic above and below with the tree on it is called Toggenburg. i have no idea why its named that..ill have to ask.. but you can see it from town. Its the tallest hill on the ridge you can see from town. we find ourselves looking at it from time to time from town and just being so happy that we can head up there any time. awwww ;) one year on fourth of July we want to go up there and bbq on that spot (where we were shooting guns) cause you can see Coalinga from there. i bet the fireworks would be cool

See the Doe on the side of that hill? so cool. we think she had a fawn with her, because she was stopped there, but not looking at us,.. she waslooking ahead of her in that cool

Ry Lived up at the ranch until he was four. His mom kept buggin his dad to 'build these boys a tree house!' his dad didnt do it fast enough so she did it.. Ry said it was like a death trap. if you stepped in the middle you'd fall out! hahahah, i love how its still standing. you can see it from the house they used to live in.:)