i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

lonnnnng day, even longer night.

So we went to the doctor. he weighs 11.14. last time, two weeks ago, he was 11.5. not good. They expect him to gain a pound a week. He doesn't LOOK skinny. He looks healthy. but we understand their concern.

My dad took us to the doc. the doc ordered anothe CT scan since Case has been throwing up a TON and doesn't even want to eat. The concern is that his Gortex Patch-Diaphragm has torn. That would be bad.

I call San Francisco (UCSF, where Case was born/had surgery/lived for two months) after every appointment to check in and see what they think.
They're thinking GTube. we knew it, we just HOPEd Case would eat all by mouth, but CDH kids most of the time, have a hard time with that.

So, Dad, Case and I go have some lunch to kill time.. and to hope Case went #2 before we drove home. (they want some samples to run some tests,..just make sure he's digesting everything ok)
well, he didnt do it for us. oh well.. we'll get the samples one day.

looking at grandpa

I called San Fran and they say to Not wait for the CT scan appointment.. and a CT has so much radiation, and he got one not too long ago to check his lungs. An XRay would tell us if it is torn, with LEss radiation (IF his patch is torn it can be bad, Fast.. sometimes it isn't, but why take the chance.)

So off we went to Valley Childrens. we left at 7:15pm or so, got there about 8:20. Got INTO the doc about 9:30. they ran tests, took XRays. Gave him an IV to get some fluids into him, Turns out he's allll good. No Tear, No bladder infection, Nothing.. just seems he's got a bad case of Acid Reflux, which is quite normal for him... well, for CDH. But it was so great to make sure his patch hasn't torn. We didnt get to leave until almost 4:00am.

When we first got called back into the ER, the nurse handed me this cute little baby gown. ive NEVER seen these, so i had to get some shots of him in em. this is before any IV's and stuff.. so he was a happy kid. just tired.

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