i sent this : <3 to rylan in a text message one day,most people know it as a Heart. well, ry thought it was a sideways view of puckered lips.. he thought it was the best thing ever, and i thought that was the cutest thing ive ever heard.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the house is A MESS.. ugh, im trying to get around to it, so far ive folded laundry. yeah. only one basket. well that was after i got Case fed and asleep..that can take a while. so then i started cleaning and realized I should eat something. so i just had some cheerios and decided ...'since im so close to the laptop i should just write a short post before its time to PUMP AGAIN (before i get behind AGAIN...) and before case wakes up and its time to eat again.

the dishes are the. worst. i keep going past them to get started and then im like- naw, ill...clean off the kitchen table.

ok. im gonna get to it.

ill feel so much better when its done and not so embarrassed if someone shows up.

ohhh i want a mocha. that'd make me clean. maybe ill treat myself to one AFTER i clean ;)

Just for Fun, here is a pic of Rylan and I (and case) on June 6th. the day before Mr.Case was born. ugh, i really hate my face in this one, but i always do that. screw up pictures with my weird faces i make. haha oh well, what can ya do. Boy i got big at the end eh?

our hospital room was A Ma Zing! Corner room, Windows allll the way around. and Huge! best room in the place they said. You could see the bay bridge And the SF bridge. when it was clear enough..

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